Terra Mare was established in 2002 as a service provider in the field of archaeological and archaeozoological research projects in Germany and abroad. Our services include:
- Implementing archaeological and scientific projects
- Excavations and surveys
- Archaeological monitoring of building sites
- Classifying and analysing archaeological and archaeozoological finds, including mollusc shells
- Microscopic assessment of tool marks on bones
- Historic building archaeology
- Concept development for and implementation of projects in museum education and cultural tourism
- Recruiting and training personnel for archaeological projects
With our highly qualified staff, Terra Mare works in an efficient, cost-saving and customer-oriented manner. One of our greatest strengths is our interdisciplinary approach, made possible by an extensive network in the fields of scientific research, personnel procurement, and education. This makes us a one-stop source for archaeological projects of any kind, from the planning stage through to publishing the results.
One of Terra Mare’s main fields of research is archaeozoology. By means of modern osteo-archaeological methods, we have been able to obtain remarkable results regarding questions of economic history and environmental archaeology. Furthermore, Terra Mare has a large reference collection of mollusc shells on hand.
Regarding the conservation of ground monuments, we offer services in every area from surveys, watching briefs, site testing and excavations through to the preparation of detailed reports.